Wednesday 19 January 2011

Documentation for Version 6.0.0

Hello All,

OpenERP will publish the new OpenERP Book V6.0.0 this week!

What we accomplished

The documentation team already did a hell of job to add new screenshots and change the menu references.

We also added a list of New Features (will continuously be completed) and we are working on a list of Shortcuts.

We wrote about new functionality such as the improved Outlook & Thunderbird plugins, How to Configure Caldav on your Smartphone, and much more.

What we didn't do

We didn't manage to get all features completely described, but we continue working on it as we speak!

In the near future we will entirely restructure the documentation, and add Key Features per Business Application, but that's for later versions ;-)

Be involved

In the meantime, I welcome your comments and improvements for the documentation through the comments feature on the website.


Please be aware that documentation is never complete, never up to date and never finished.

Still, I very much like what I'm doing :-)

Stay tuned!



  1. "In the meanwhile"?

    It is "meanwhile" or "in the meantime"!
